Sven W suggested a theme for photographs, "photos taken from inside the car", so here are five such taken today. This was due to necessity, as today I didn't have time to take photographs except when sitting in a car.
Sven W also referred to Mark Hobson, who - in addtion to bringing up this theme - is doing a great job in classifying his photographs into several series.
But this made me think: is photography becoming a too serious thing for me. The original reason for taking it up was to balance some other things in life, and not get too serious about it. I in fact wrote once, meaning it, that I wouldn't mind if all my photographs would just disappear or be deleted by mistake some day. (Obviously this does not refer to the family photographs.)
Do I feel the same today?
After thinking about this for a while, I believe I feel the same. There are always new photographs to be taken. I even had a thought that I should try this out - delete everything (this blog, the Flickr site, and photographs on the computer) and start from anew. It might be worth doing.
However, there are some things that I would miss, mostly some instructions on using the LX3, on making photobooks, etc., which I might need some day. So, maybe I'll continue for a while. And if it gets too serious, just start anew from scratch.
But if you have an idea for a theme (or two), let me know. It may be something to try out. Of course, not too seriously.
Would you like to spend some time alone?
10 hours ago
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