Monday, May 24, 2010


Apple tree, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Rhubarb, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Spiraea, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

It has been raining quite a lot, and more to come. Here are some photographs from today.

I finished reading W. G. Sebald's novel "The Rings of Saturn". Quite a book, different from almost anything else. Don't know whether it is in fact a novel, a collection of personal essays, or something else.

As the book contains mysterious black and white images, mostly photographs, perhaps I should have provided such photographs here as well. But nowadays I'm not at all interested in b&w photography, perhaps because of the spring.

In any case, the images and the text work brillantly together in Sebald's book. Recommended. Although there are some errors, such as claiming that Dutch elm disease is caused by virus when it is in fact a fungus. But perhaps the errors are part of the intention of the writer - that is, fiction.

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