Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sillanpää concert in Helsinki

Snow, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Kallio church, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Lights, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Sillanpää, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Helsinki, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Street, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

We went to a concert of Jari Sillanpää today in Helsinki. If you are a Finn, you know who Jari Sillanpää is, and if you are not a Finn, I'm not sure if you need to know. In any case, the Kallio church is a beautiful place, and good for music as well. Outside it was snowy and maybe not so nice because of the wind, but inside people enjoyed themselves. And Jari gave us a great show, as always. Excellent musicians, and good adaptations of the pieces.


-K- said...

No, I don't know who Jari Sillanpää is but I know what a lot of snow is and it reminds me why I moved away from it? I now live in southern California (Los Angeles). As I'm sure you know, there's never any snow here.

Juha Haataja said...

I don't know if I would survive with never having any snow around. Sometimes it can be excessive, though. - Today we are getting 20 cm of new snow, and more to come tomorrow.