Friday, June 5, 2015

The mind floats imageless

Today I commuted by car, and there was a traffic jam on the way home. I was already somewhat tired, after a busy week, and didn't enjoy being stuck inside a car.

On May 18th I visited lake Pitkäjärvi in Velskola.

(Posting title is from the poem Natal Command by Peter Sacks.)


SHE said...

your cropping, editing, focal points, perspective.. variety.. from panaroma to close-up.. God-created vs. Man-made.. the spectrum of color.. Spectrum of texture.. I can experience peace, or noise from the very view alone..

and based on some of those smooth lakes, blue sky, green tree shots..

if God ever lands me in Finland.. I'm going to put in a prayer request for the 1st week of June

Glad you are feeling better, and life and work are going well


Juha Haataja said...


The flu has passed, and it is great to be able to go for long walks once again. The summer is proceeding, but it has been somewhat cool and wet, so that some birds, such as the common swift, haven't yet arrived here, even though they should by now.