Tuesday, January 31, 2017

To be snatched in an instant

The photographs were taken on January 6th.

In January I got 442 km riding the bicycle. This morning there was black ice on a downhill slope, and I slid for some distance, but stayed upright. Once again the studded winter tires proved their worth.

The baby-carrot fingers (controlled by Bannon) are again and again proving disastrous. How long can this continue? On the other hand, a lot of great people are showing their worth by the skill and will to #resist.

(Posting title is from the poem A Romance by Lucia Perillo.)


Carl Weese said...

Juha, I'm reading a fascinating book titled "The Nordic Theory of Everything (In search of a Better Life) by Anu Partanen. She is from Finland, worked for a dozen years as a journalist there before moving to the US. I'm only a couple of chapters in, but she's making all sorts of cogent observations about the differences between the social systems of the Nordic countries and the US. It's a combination of very personal account and solid journalistic research. It's new, published last year, but a lot of her observation of government/citizen interaction, which I think will be a big theme in the rest of the book, is suddenly quite out of date with the coup-in-progress happening in DC.

Juha Haataja said...

Thanks for the book hint. I noticed that Anu Partanen's book is available also in Finnish, and there were over 200 holds in the local library, seems very popular.

Many things seem to be out-of-date these days. On the other hand, maybe this is a temporary aberration, at least I hope so. But the way it is always "the other" who are blamed, especially the weakest ones, those who can't resist by themselves, that is worrying. Like a modern-day witch hunt. Alternative facts, indeed.