Sunday, July 23, 2017

Truth breaks upon us with resistless day

The photograph was taken on June 27th in Helsinki, with an iPhone SE.

This morning I rode the bicycle for two hours, exploring the small roads and paths between Leppävaara and Glims in Espoo. Once again I got a bit lost, which felt good.

I have written comments on some photography blogs during the summer vacation, as there has been time to do a bit of blog exploring. A posting by Carl Weese got me thinking about the differences between countries and their approach to things like taxation and health care.

In the book The Nordic Theory of Everything the Finnish journalist Anu Partanen discusses the fundamental differences between how things are done in the United States, compared to the Nordic countries such as Sweden and Finland.

I must admit that I don't understand at all the stupidity of the US system, at least the way it appears when Trump is in charge. Well, they say that one shouldn't discuss Brexit with the British people, and it may be the same concerning Trump and the Americans.

Anyway, one aspect of strange US things is the so-called prosperity theology. It seems that many Americans believe that financial blessing and physical well-being are the will of God for them, and thus one's material wealth shows who is blessed and who is not. Thus: the poor are bad, and the rich are good. This is opposite to the way I remember things being written in the Bible. What a strange country the US is.

(Posting title is from the poem An Essay on Criticism: Part 2 by Alexander Pope.)

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