Here are two photographs, both recent experimentation with b&w photography. In the first, I explored motion blur, getting a nice blur with some sharp parts of the image, thanks to shooting while walking past the subject. In the second image, I was exploring the interesting shapes created by the evening sunshine. This image wouldn't be interesting in color, I think.
Museum of Arts & Science, Daytona FL
11 hours ago
Moi ! Sinulla näyttää olevan hyvän näköisiä kuvia blogissasi ja siksi kysymmekin, että olisiko mahdollista saada sinulta "talkoopohjalta" taiteellista, tai sitten ihan tavallisia valokuvia jotenkin juoksuun liittyen ? valokuvaa, tai muutamaa sellaista juoksemisesta ? Teemme kotisivuja juoksemiseen liittyen itsekin ilmaiseksi ja olisi kiva saada vähän parempia kuvia juttujen jatkeeksi = ) Otatko yhteyttä, jos asia kiinnostaisi. Saisit nimesi/kuvasi isolla näkyviin sivuillemme. Tässä email:
Hi Juha,
I've been following your blog for a while and really enjoy your well-constructed images and thoughtful text.
I've recently produced some b+w images as well. However, I've been taking the original image in colour then converting to b+w using an image editor.
I've adopted this approach for a number of reasons:
1. You can always convert colour to b+w but not converse;
2. My decision to make an image b+w is sometimes prior to taking a shot but othertimes during post-processing. Shooting in colour gives me the option to decide later.
3. There's no fixed definition for b+w i.e converting colours to b+w tones. During the b+w conversion, I can use the image editor to emphasise greens or de-emphasise blues (for example). This capability can greatly improve a b+w image.
I also appreciate the quality of work you obtain from a "point and shoot" style camera. I also use a compact camera and strive to produce good quality images rather than merely "happy snaps". If you are interested you can view my blog at "digitalhues".
@Anonymous: Kiitos, mutta en tee "tilaustöitä".
@Sven: Thanks for the hints and the pointer to your blog.
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