We got quite a storm today, wind speeds up to 30 m/s, in gusts. At the same time the sky became blue, the wind sweeping the clouds away, and it was sunny, which was a pleasure even though the sun is low near horizon even at noon.
The storm fell a lot of trees across roads and on top of buildings, causing damage. I don't remember having such a storm in December.
Many people were outside, walking, with cameras, recording signs of damage. Quite a show!
Nobody seemed to be paying it any attention.
3 hours ago
Terve vaan...
Katselin kuviasi mielenkiinnolla.
Hienoa ja ammattitaitoista kuvausta.
Kuusamo säästyi ilmeisesti tuolta Tapanin-tuulelta...? (myrskyltä)
Olemme saaneet osamme aikaisemmista puhureista...!
Terveisin Eko
@Eko: Kiitos!
Lunta kun vain vielä tulisi, alkaa tässä jo riepomaan kun maa on mustana aina vaan. Kunnon vuodenajat ne pitää olla, ei tämmöinen ole oikein mistään kotoisin.
Hi, i just coincidently came by, and saw your blog Juha.
What a great blog and wast amount of great images.
I will return regularly from now on.
best regards
kim hansen
@kim: Thanks! I had a look at your blog, great photographs there, I liked especially "Marselisborgskoven".
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