Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The trees lean closer today

The photograph was taken on January 14th.

What about using his own words against him? Here is a quote:

Trump is incredibly dangerous. Incredibly dangerous! It’s obvious. He’s corrupt, he’s unstable, he’s reckless. Yemen? Disaster. Putin? Pulling the strings. We’re not safe with him in office. Totally unsafe. We need your help. When are you going to take a stand against this guy? When? He’s got to go. It’s obvious. Everyone agrees.

(Posting title is from the poem Rock Me, Mercy by Yusef Komunyakaa.)


Markus said...

Oh how I wished we could only talk photography. But we can't, there's too much at stake. And we in Europe have to at least support the #resist movement.

Beyond that I enjoyed the warm/cold contrast in your image.

Juha Haataja said...

Thanks, Markus. The photograph was taken just before sunrise, and there were street lights providing some warmth to the scene.

The stakes are high indeed (and I don't mean the wall here). Some politicians in Finland are copying the mannerisms of Trump, and that is already quite frightening, as they are attacking the press and denying facts, making such acts appear to be acceptable behaviour.