Sunday, March 15, 2009

Desperately seeking colors

Catkin, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

White and yellow, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Hut, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Today was a clouded day, no sunshine, but it wasn't too dark despite the cloud cover. I'm starting to get impatient for spring, and thus today I took photographs of colorful things.

Well, actually I originally decided to do just the opposite, namely practise black and white photography, testing the multi-film mode of the LX3. I set up two film modes, dynamic b&w and standard b&w, and thus I got two different versions of the b&w image each time I took a photograph. But I tired of this almost immediately, and switched to my usual settings.

Here are three photographs from today, each based on a colorful thing I found while spending time outside with the children. I wasn't as keen on taking photographs as during the previous days, but it was enjoyable neverheless. And soon, soon, we will have more colors, more light - the best time of the year for a photographer.

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