Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Majvik, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Rowan, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Branching, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Birds, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Today was a busy day: attending a seminar, preparing for a trip, etc. Here are a couple of hasty snapshots from today, from a meeting room to a graveyard.

I'll be traveling during the next few days, so there may be a pause in postings here.

However, I may post yet another set of the "autumn garden" photographs. It seems that when I go to a garden, I just have to take photographs.


Andreas said...

I suppose the last one is from a big glass window on the graveyard.


Juha Haataja said...

It wasn't glass but polished stone (maybe some lacquer on top) - a memorial of the last war. Reflective in multiple ways...