Arthur asked: "Please, can we have a picture of the camera!"
So, here you are, self-portraits of the LX3 after 200,000 photographs taken with it. I mounted the LX3 on top of my Berlebach tripod, which I use with astronomical binoculars. A bit of mismatch in sizes there with the camera and the tripod...
As I'm taking the LX3 everywhere I go, why not the shower as well?
On a more serious note, when I had my first digital camera, the Canon Ixus 400, I was very cautious about taking photographs in the rain. With the LX3 I have relaxed a lot - rain doesn't bother it much. Just wipe most of the water away after you get inside, and let it dry.
The LX3 has gotten a lot of punishment in other ways also. I have dropped it on rock, on ice, on snow, and on a hard floor. After I first dropped it (on a rock), I was convinced that it was broken - but nothing happened. And nowadays I try to be cautious, but don't stress it too much if the camera is dropped.
The Ixus 400 did break down after being dropped on the floor - the built-in lens cover stuck and didn't work. That may be one reason for the better durability of the LX3, not having such a thing.
If you look carefully at the LX3 self-portrait, you can see some signs of wear around the lens, on the ring where the lens cover is attached: it was originally all black.
I included here also photograph of the batteries which started bulging and didn't fit into the battery compartment any more. Now I have two new batteries, each lasting up to 800 photographs on one charge. It is good...
I couldn't take closeups of the camera bottom, where the biggest signs of wear are, as the LX3 is currently my only camera able to focus close. (With the Nokia E7 the closest focusing distance is 50 cm.) It would be of course interesting to lovingly document all the little scratches, bending plates and worn materials - but I'll leave that for now.
I had kept the matter a profound secret.
2 hours ago
Very interesting. Is this the tripod you take with you when doing night photography?
@Hagen: Not really, this is for my star-gazing binoculars.
For night photography I use a 15 cm long mini-tripod which I bought from Dealextreme, costing about 2 euro or so. And any other support on top of which a camera can be put.
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