Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How durable are NiMH battery chargers?

Glove, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Autumn, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

LOST, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

First, here are some photographs from today, although it almost happened that I didn't venture outside after a hectic day at work. But wife got me motivated.

Off-topic to photography - or perhaps not, as I imagine photographers use NiMH batteries a lot for various purposes - anyway, what happened that two NiMH chargers broke within one week from each other. The other (Vanson) was only two years old, the other (Energizer) a bit longer in use.

Was this just a coincidence or might perhaps a faulty battery cause such a thing? Both chargers have seen a lot of use, as flashlights, bicycle lights, childrens' toys etc. seem to eat batteries daily.

I bought a cheap GP charger with four 2700 MiHN batteries as a replacement - but should I charge the other batteries (Vanson, Energizer) with it? I'm hesitant to experiment further...

I could write much longer on the durability of electronics, but I cut my finger with a new knife when preparing food, so using the keyboard is difficult. Have to be careful with sharp instruments...


Phototransformations said...

I've used numerous chargers over the years, and all seem to do a reasonable job on all types of NiMH batteries (even an old Radio Shack charger that also charges NiCd batteries). I think you are safe using whatever charger you have.

Intensecure said...

I've used a GP charger for years, and had no issues whether re-charging old 1900MiH batteries, or new Eneloops. It's fine, don't sweat it. ;)

Juha Haataja said...

Indeed, the GP charger seem to cope well with other NiMH batteries. I guess the old chargers breaking was just a result of a lot of use...