Sunday, March 18, 2012

And the rocks melt wi’ the sun

This morning we got plenty of sunshine, but during afternoon clouds once again covered the sky. But while it was sunny I went for a walk with the children, who played with melting snow and ice.

(Posting title is from the poem A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns.)


Markus said...

Both "Ice" and "Leaf" are wonderful, perfectly placed in the square and the colors subtle and just as I would expect them. Makes me for a moment ponder my self-imposed "raw only" policy.

Juha Haataja said...

@Markus: Well, both of these were taken in a sequence of half a dozen photographs of the subject, the best one being selected for posting. And the jpeg engine of the LX5 works often rather well.

One benefit - and I'm not trying to convert anyone here - of shooting jpeg with the same settings all the time is instinctive feeling of how the result will look like. No need for thinking when you are taking a photograph...

And a drawback of jpeg shooting is that many photographs that would have been possible to make via RAW just don't happen - one will be blind to this kind of opporturnities.