Sunday, September 20, 2015

The strongest gift I was ever given

We had dense fog this morning, and this motivated me to go for a walk. I walked for two hours in Velskola until the fog cleared away. This week I have got 12 1/2 hours of exercise so far.

During the weekend there was in Nuuksio an event of Guides and Scouts, dozens of them walking along the paths. However, the landscape near Velskola is so rugged that the sound of other people disappeared within a couple of hundred meters, and thus there was plenty of silence provided one stayed away from the popular paths.

The photographs were taken in Vaakkoi on August 7th.

(Posting title is from the poem Handy Guide by Dean Young.)


Markus said...

This looks like a wonderful, inviting fall landscape, Juha. I like the way that old tree almost looks like a curious crocodile (with that dark patch in the lower right corner optically balancing the movement). Good that you found a way to enjoy it yourself and not being forced to enjoy the joy of the others...

Juha Haataja said...

Thanks, Markus!

Nice turn of phrase: "not being forced to enjoy the joy of the others". I need to admit that when I met near the parking place at Velskola dozens of young people (young = under 20) getting ready to walk in the forests of Nuuksio, I got a smile on my face, and it didn't go away.

I don't know how many of the young people really looked at the landscape, I guess most of them were keen on the company of other young people, discussing eagerly whatever topics came up, but on the other hand, so it is with me also, only occasionally I do see something.

Markus said...

The gift of seeing is rare, at least with me, but from your words I conclude we are not alone.

Depending on the quality of the mobile network, for the young seeing is often made difficult as it would require lifting the gaze from that 4" hole into virtuality. I was lucky, I convinced my daughters (by not always resilient means) to use their phones not always - rarely would be too ambitious to claim....

Juha Haataja said...

Indeed, the 4" hole seems to fill the world for a lot of people.

On the other hand, sometimes one finds interesting tidbits of life. Yesterday I walked in Helsinki from a meeting to another, and there were two women walking in front of me, and I heard one say to the other the words "intimate divorce". They turned to another direction but the phrase stuck with me, whatever it meant. Maybe I should have followed them to learn more.