Friday, January 29, 2016

I wander through both

The photographs were taken at Pirttimäki on January 5th.

I commuted by bicycle today. Most of the snow has melted away from roads, but in the morning there was black ice in many places. The studded winter tires were necessary.

This week I have got eight hours of exercise, half riding the bicycle, half walking. During the weekend I'm planning to do some more walking. I guess there is quite a lot of flooding due to rain and melting snow, so I need to use the tall rubber boots.

(Posting title is from the poem Paths by John Montague, which reminded me of the question about potatoes at TOP.)


John D. Linn said...

Lovely fresh snow.

Juha Haataja said...

Yes, this was a really welcome change, days seemed much brighter. The fresh snow also silenced road noise, as an additional bonus.