I noticed a collection of photographs titled (More) Beautiful & Captivating Examples of Bokeh Photography, which reminded me of the bokeh posting and discussion here a while ago.
But what is remarkable about this collection of photographs is that it made be go "yack". (I'm not sure what it the right translation for the Finnish word "yäk", which means a vomiting-like feeling.)
Why is that? Is it because going overboard with something - whatever it is - make you nauseated? Or is there something specific about these photographs?
Maybe it is the collection. A single photograph like these may be ok, but when you put so many of them together, it causes an overload.
Nobody seemed to be paying it any attention.
2 hours ago
The English phrase you want is "ad nauseam" - to the point of nausea. People can talk and discuss a point until some of them feel they have talked ad nauseam - they are just sick and tired of the subject - no conclusions reached, no compromise, etc - just yakking away. Interesting the close resemblance between the English "yakking" and the Finnish "yäk"
Well, in the Finnish word "yäk" the letter y is a wovel, similar to "u umlaut" in German. So it sounds a bit different than yakking.
Finnish language has a lot of wovels, extreme example being "hääyöaie"("wedding night plan", whatever that is), which has seven wovels in sequence. You could say "ad nauseam".
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