Saturday, April 5, 2014

Let there be a perpetual coming and going

Today I went to the nearby shopping mall with the daughters, doing some shopping, eating Chinese, and watching The Wind Rises, an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The film was surprising, as I hadn't read any reviews of it beforehand, not even that it is based on historical facts even though it is of course fictional. I think I'll remember the film for quite a long time. I also enjoyed that the film discussed engineering, and even showed some mathematical equations.

There was a photography exhibition in the same building as the movie theater, and while waiting for the movie to start we had a look. On display were photographs from the book The loveliest girl in the world. Many of the landscape photographs were quite stunning as prints, and on display there were also some of the dresses used in the book. My youngest daughter was rather impressed.

Afterwards I changed summer tires to the car, which turned out to be not so easy, as one of the tires was stuck. It took quite a lot of time to change that tire, but finally I succeeded. This made me tired, and I didn't have energy left to go for a walk. Tomorrow I need to continue with spring cleaning, so it may be that I won't be able to do much walking this weekend.

(Posting title is from the poem Things by Louis Simpson.)

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