Sunday, January 31, 2016

In the branches of a tree

The photographs were taken on January 6th in Meiko.

Today I walked for over two hours in the north parts of Nuuksio. I started at lake Suolikas, walked west to lake Lummukas, circled south to lake Syvä-Antias and lake Iso-Antias, and returned back north. In some places there was 20 cm of snow, partly frozen, but the north shore of lake Iso-Antias was bare of snow. It felt like spring, even though it is end of January.

This week I have got 12 hours of exercise. In January I rode the bicycle for only 160 kilometers, as the weather was challenging. But next week seems to be rather promising for commuting by bicycle.

(Posting title is from the poem Three Translations from Characters Found on a Lover’s Body by James Thomas Stevens.)


SHE said...

it is a spiritual, aesthetic, peaceful and awakening photographic mind stroll -and at my own pace.. and room temperature..

"Thank you!" as always..


Juha Haataja said...

Thank you. Now that the snow has melted mostly away and there is no frost accents in the landscape, I have felt a loss, as the snowy winter landscape was so fine for a while, and I didn't have all that much time to explore it. But there is still time for winter to re-appear, as usually spring starts at the end of March.