Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Colors of the night

Shapes at night, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Path, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Once again, this was a clouded day, and there wasn't much inspiration for photography (especially as much of the daylight time was spent in a shopping mall).

But I took a couple of photos during an evening walk outside. It was windy and a few degrees below zero (Celcius), so I had some trouble keeping my fingers warm. And I'm not sure whether I like the landscapes colored by city lights reflected from clouds. But they are certainly different from normal, that is for sure.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's certainly an unusual combination, those city lights and the more rural area. I'll have to try that myself sometime...

Juha Haataja said...

I didn't pay much attention to the color of the clouds until I started to do night-time photography.

For those interested in astronomy the city lights are a great nuisance, you don't need even clouds for them to spoil the seeing. (Dust etc. particles are enough.)