Saturday, December 27, 2008

To be measured or not?

Ice patterns at sunset, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Paul Butzi had an excellent posting on Productivity, creativity, proxies and goals, making several good points, for example this one: "At some point, each of us is on a solo journey."

I commented (unfortunately not thinking very deeply) as follows:

I wonder whether productivity, creativity etc. are not just ways of trying to find a way to measure ourselves, to somehow find a way to be valuable in the context of other human beings.

If just being is not enough, and if you need a measure of value (or progress), then there is an endless series of measures to invent - the turtles in your metafora. But I suspect this is an endless road to nowhere.

To be - or to be measured?
I must admit these thoughts are familiar to me [from various things I have trying to do along the way], and I have been trying to invent ways of measuring my progress. Number of things, quality of things, novelty of things, etc. But that way hasn't really lead to progress, perhaps the opposite, being stuck on a track leading to nowhere.


Andreas said...

Very, very nice image. Wonderful white balance as well. Was that automatic, did you use a preset or simply set it in the RAW converter?

Yes, the old question, why do we do what we do. No, I think it's more than measuring ourselves. I also don't think we do it only to show it online, to talk about it with friends, in search for recognition. If nobody saw it but us, we'd do it anyway. The way it is, it just satisfies our need for gratification as well, but this is not the primary reason.

Juha Haataja said...

That was automatic white balance - I'm testing out the new LX3 firmware which promised improvements, and in most situations the camera has done so far a competent job.

I agree about that the reason comes from inside - they may be good reasons or bad reasons, known reasons or unknown reasons, but not much to do with measurement.

I strongly suspect my sudden interest in photography has less to do with photography than with finding a balance as a human being. It is a kind of meditation, of shutting down the too-much-thinking type of creature in my the head, and photography does the trick for me especially combined with walking outside in the nature.