Now we have a real winter here in Finland, a lot of snow on the ground, and temperature nicely below freezing. The trees are beautiful with the fresh paint of snow, and we even had a colorful sunset. What more can a photographer wish for?
Nobody seemed to be paying it any attention.
2 hours ago
The middle picture, for its subtle tones, is simply stunning and will remain in my minds eye for a long time.
I especially like the snow-water interface in the first photo.
It was a great day for photography... Some say you can take good photos in any conditions, but nevertheless you can take this kind of photos only in these conditions.
For me it has been an interesting revelation this winter how few people have cameras with them or take photos when walking outside, even though digital cameras or mobile photos with cameras are so common. Many people are exercising, but it often feels they don't really see what is around them.
I think photography has made me more observant - but of course I could be wrong. Perhaps one kind of not-being-there has just been replaced with another.
I absolutely agree on #2. That's fantastically dynamic balance. Personally I'd have opted for less cool WB, but that's just my taste.
@Andreas: I do have a quite strong attachment to blue, and we have a lot of it in winter. Sometimes though it may be a bit too much.
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