I went for a walk twice this evening, hoping to see a glipse of sun at some point, but no such luck, clouds were always in the way. There was a small gap between clouds at one point, but sun was still hiding.
So far I have taken 612 photos with my LX3, and this is still the first charge of the battery. Will the battery even run out, this is starting to get embarrasing. Seems that the battery lasts for three times as long as in my Ixus 400.
Did I learn something new today? At least handling the camera is starting to get comfortable. And the big 3-inch screen is really nice, especially as you can show quite a lot of useful information while taking photos. (Although I'm not yet completely certain what all of it means.) Carrying the camera is nice, and the shape of it is getting familiar so that I no longer have much trouble in estimating distance from the lens when taking macro shots.
Compared to the Ixus 400 I like the color reproduction and exposure (and dynamic range), which I feel are much better. There are still many things to learn, especially how you can use the manual modes for maximum effect. But learning is fun, even more than I was expecting.
There was too much to think about.
2 hours ago
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