Today was for a change a clouded day during the evening, so I didn't manage to get as bright photos as yesterday. What I did was trying out the custom film mode of the LX3, and especially trying out (once again) the different autofocus modes.
Now I'm starting to understand the functionality in part at least, but again run into problems when the autotracking system refused to work. Only after trying for a while I realized that I had zoomed the lens to 60 mm equiv., and the closest focusing distance was farther away than what I was trying to do. User error!
Later I realized that I haven't so far used the face detection system at all - have to check it out at some point.
Autofocus and exposure have both quite a lot of different possibilities, and there seems to be endless ways to finetune the camera. For example, with the custom film setting you can specify contrast, noise reduction, saturation etc. settings to your liking. This would be probably quite nice for taking photos of the autumn leaf colors, have to try it out also.
Anything else? Well, I had some trouble with the various video modes, wondering why there was no HD option - until I realized that you have to put the aspect ratio into 16:9 position to gain that video setting. Once again a user error... But I haven't done much videos so far, and won't probably do much later either, I'm not so into it. Some experiments probably need to be done just to satisfy curiosity.
There was too much to think about.
2 hours ago
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