Time to finish for today. I have now taken 4433 photos with my Panasonic LX3, in 20 days or so, and today I feel happy about that. There has been progress in photography skills, at least I feel so, and most importantly, I'm keen on learning more.
A bit of a surprise for me has been that there seems to be a kind of photography style arising, at least it seems to be so when browsing through the recent photos. However, I'm not sure that I actually like the photos I'm producing. But they have some interesting properties which I'm willing to explore. It seems as if I have found a path which may lead to somewhere interesting.
Although I have strived towards "realistic" photos, the style I have found is not-so-realistic, more like a painting style than photography. I feel that there is a great deal to explore here, and I'm happy to go forward step by step.
There was too much to think about.
4 hours ago
From my perspective, following your blog, your photos have definitely become more visually appealing compositionally to me, as you've continued to post about your lx3. There are quite a few of the newer photographs which I think are quite beautiful.
Thanks - I'm trying to learn new things, and beauty is not a bad thing to have in the photographs.
What I would like to investigate is more rough/experimental things but usually I'm already quite tired after a workday when taking photos, so there is little energy left for experiments.
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